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Households in Rusinga are considered to be food insecure at 38%. Food insecurity problems is both acute and cyclical because of the deteriorating weather patterns and collapse of traditional coping mechanisms. Rusinga is a semi-arid land and drought and other calamities necessitate importation of essential commodities from the neighboring counties.  Subsistence farming, which is the type of agriculture practiced by the people of Rusinga is becoming unviable due to increased changing weather patterns brought about by global warming, lack of water, animal diseases, poor marketing and reduced grazing lands due to poor land tenure. The food consumption patterns are always far from the norm at an average of 1.5 meals per household per day rising to a minimum of 2 meals per household per day. Such trends are evident in the area making school to supplement meals by providing school feeding programs to cushion children from malnutrition.

Our agricultural activities (horticulture, animal keeping etc) are expected to improve through adoption of modern technology that will ultimately lead to higher yields and therefore result in enough food in the households and better nutrition for children and family members..

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Agricultural Project Goal

Our Agriculture Project goal is to ensure that every family in Rusinga at all times have access to sufficient safe and nutritious food at their households that meets their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy livelihood

Agricultural Project Dream

Our Agriculture Project envisions a community that is free from hunger and malnutrition where food and agriculture help improve livelihood in an economically, socially and environmentally sustainable manner.

To realize this dream VFM endeavor to engage Rusinga community in food production through training, support with basic agricultural inputs while adopting   smart farming and kitchen gardening that food, nutrition and livelihood security at the household level is strengthened thereby ensuring greater resilience to future calamities such as hunger, diseases and drought.

Our Food Production Options

Poultry keeping provides easy source of proteins from the meat and also eggs. A household that keeps poultry gets access to protein than one that doesn’t. VFM CBO advocates for family based poultry keeping for food. We seek to support families to adopt and embrace poultry keeping. 

The modern kitchen gardening concepts are various modern farming technologies that helps households to save from buying vegetables and fruits. The gardens offer door step access to very green and fresh vegetables. Our kitchen gardens help families in savings up to KES 50 per day per household. Households practicing food production get supported with subsidized farm in puts like seeds and this improves farm productivity..

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