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Child protection

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The findings from the Violence Against Children survey (VAC) 2016 conducted by the Government of Kenya and UNICEF indicated that violence against children is a serious problem in Kenya. Levels of violence prior to age 18 as reported by 18 to 24 year old (lifetime experiences) indicate that during childhood, 32% of females and 18% of males experience sexual violence. 66% of females and 73% of males experienced physical violence and 26% of females and 32% of males experience other type of violence as a child. 13% of females and 9% of males experienced all three types of violence during childhood. The most common perpetrators of sexual violence for females and males were found to be boyfriends/girlfriends/ romantic partners comprising 47% and 43% respectively followed by neighbours, 27% and 21% respectively, family members (11.9% and 13.1%, respectively), friends or classmates (9.0% and 16.3% respectively), strangers (5.9% & 5.6% respectively) and husband and wives (6% & 0.7% respectively).


Mothers and fathers were the most common perpetrator of physical violence by family members. For males, teachers followed by Police were the most common perpetrators of physical violence by an authority figure. Emotional violence for both females and males was most often inflicted by parents in the discipline. Parents generally have low awareness on child rights and strong cultural beliefs and practices, including low importance to girls’ education and little attention to the needs, and proper care of children with disabilities perpetuate violation of children’s rights on many fronts. 

VFM is a child right champion in Rusinga. Children are involved actively in their protection. Child protection clubs have been formed in schools to offer opportunity for advocacy. Children are made aware  of their rights and this helps in identification and reporting of cases. VFM has placed speak out boxes in schools to enhance case reporting with a child desk supporting the same. Case reporting forms are made available for the community in the beach offices and a beach management committee member is supporting reporting the cases.


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